John Huynh
John is Chairperson of the Engage Committee and serves as Senior Minister at St Stephen's Presbyterian Church in Surrey Hills.
Mike Veith
Mike is the Associate Pastor at Mentone Baptist Church. He coordinates and organises all the strand leaders and strand materials for the Engage Conference.
Melly Tjoa
Melly is the Treasurer and Operations Coordinator for Engage, responsible for all financial related matters and the running of the conference. She attends St Stephen's Presbyterian Church in Surrey Hills.
Victor Khor
Victor joined the Engage Committee in 2022 and organises the main sessions of the conference. He is a senior staffworker with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES).
Kath Moody
Kath is the Secretary and also coordinates the promotion of the conference. She attends St Stephen's Presbyterian Church in Surrey Hills.
Murray Capill
Murray Capill is the Dean of Ministry Development and a Lecturer in Pastoral Ministry at the Reformed Theological College in Victoria.
Andrew Reid
Andrew joined the Engage Committee in 2022 and is one of the preaching pastors at The Gospel Community Church in Melbourne. He has pastored churches in three states of Australia and started a new new theological college in Singapore.